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New Website Information

We are pleased to announce the launch of our brand new website! After months of hard work and dedication, we are delighted to officially announce the launch. The new site launch is available and the URL is HillsOfBearCreek.org.

Our goal with this new website is to provide our visitors an easier way to learn about the Hills of Bear Creek Community and also to allow the visitor to browse information based on their own choice. The new website is interactive and gives better access to About Us, General Information, Gate Information, and New Member Information. With our new design it now easier than ever to find out what is new within the Hills of Bear Creek community. Along with the new design we have improved all aspects of communication within our community through the website.

We hope you enjoy the new website and please contact us with any questions/concerns.
Again, new email is: [email protected]. This is the only official address that will be used by the Board to our community members for responses, decisions, legal issues, etc.
Any other addresses are for general information ONLY.

Board of Directors

Mary Yetto, President

Johnny Hearn, Vice President

Atsmon Shahar, Secretary 

Javier Camba III, President 

Mandy Allen, Member at Large

Gate Committee

  • Jerome Karr, Chairman
  • Cindy Speirs
  • Scott Eudaley

Click here to send an email to the gate committee.

Landscaping Committee

Pending new appointment or volunteer (Currently being managed by the board of directors)

Click here to send an email to the landscaping committee.

Restrictions Committee

Pending new appointment or volunteer (Currently being managed by the board of directors)

Click here to send an email to the restrictions committee.

Roads Committee

Click here to send an email to the roads committee.

The HOBC always benefits from new and different ideas from members who are interested in making our community the best it can be. If you have an interest in contributing your time and talent to any of the committees above and getting more involved in your community, please contact the committee chairman directly for additional information.